Friday, December 1, 2017

I ain't eaten

Can't Decolonize
What never was colonized
Can't Decolonize
What loves fierce loves hot never
owned anybody
Can't Decolonize
What takes the leather of the road
What has walked every inch of itself
Can't Decolonize
What feels the breeze feels other skins feels
my way in the world

Take out
what never took in their poison

 I got plenty fear
of those guns and tanks
I know to run
from those bodies
what pinned me down
locked me out
told me get in line
get on the bottom of the totem pole
(never bothering to learn your own ignorance, eh)
and BIT
and I did not win
but nor did I lose

And you can't take out of me
what never got put in
Won't submit.
Refuses to conquer


Just be
and cease to be
And be again

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