Saturday, November 24, 2012

same and same and same
the light of long gone, reflecting from the walls:
I snuck from bed to read, when sleep was unwelcome
as now, same,
and the carpet was like grass of the meadow
now it is hard wood,
but at night, I hear my pulse, when my ear is on the pillow,
same as same,
and it rushes by, with birds in it,
so I wake again, the same
and see Orion, same as same as same the belt and arrow
same the cold air
same over michigan beach, same over philadelphia houses,
stars same over grass with a she, pointing the stars
same alone, remembering, one kiss,
another, same
all same
so many same things, small same things, grasping
in the dark, to remember them
each, the same, an Each, each star and she,
and i, struggling against sleep, in the same dark,
i, small, as then, the same,
i wondering, the questions too the same,
how so long can be still to come,
how a night can be a year, the same,
all, waiting,

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