Wednesday, April 4, 2012

an injury

I have discovered I am trailing blood
and walk to the garden to water what I find.
Healing, perhaps, is a hopeful dream.
Those injuries one finds -one may lick, and sorrow over
but as in the parable of the wagon,
the blood is not the injury,
nor the exposed muscle the injury
nor the uninjured skin at edge the injury
and often I imagine the cause
but the imagining is not the injury
and the flowers can not drink my memory
even if I pour it over them in words or tears
the scab is not the injury
nor any pain the injury
nor the dull pleasure of the suffering, the injury.
still, the planted rows, and the unplanted weeds, and the creeping grasses
drink what blood they can
and grow if they are wont to grow.

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